2. Who is eligible?


  • The eligibility includes all the criteria described below(A – D)

A. Your vehicle has a potential or imminent safety issue(s). You are in a situation where your vehicle prohibits you from making a short distance driving  as your vehicle’s condition can cause you to immobilize on the road, or making a long distance driving as the faulty condition endangers you or the vehicle. The examples of faulty conditions will include worn-out brakes, excessively loose ball joints and excessive liquid leaks, severe engine misfire, and so on.

B. You are considered as an unfortunate neighbor by yourself who is not able to make a living due to the cost of repair in the month or to come.  The shop will determine whether you are eligible or not  after having a short conversation.

C. Your vehicle is not one of “Premium” brands like Cadillac, Lexus, Acura, and so on. However, it’s not the major factor to decline.

D. Your vehicle is older than 7 years from its model year. However, it’s not the major factor to decline.