4. MPI(Multi Point Inspection)

  • What is MPI?
    – MPI is the Acronym for Multi Point vehicle Inspection sheet that we provide you with for free if you approve to do so while working on your request/concern, and it tells you about your vehicle’s overall health status.
  • What’s different from other shops’ free inspection?
    – The Trusty Auto Service has developed a unique MPI sheet covering not only most of the check-points ordinary sheets contain but also items like timing belt, spark plug conditions, and test drive results in order to meet our own criteria for vehicle safety. The safety criteria here means not just based on strict industry/manufacturers’ standards but on practical criteria which may vary depending on customer’s driving habits and conditions. For instance, you are one of those gentle drivers and your vehicle is used mostly in city, and MPI result shows your vehicle has 3mm of brake pads thickness(industry criteria calls it a fail) with a uniform wear pattern, then we just explain the exact condition but not recommend replacing brake pads right away unless you hope to do it. Because we understand 3mm thickness does not affect your imminent safety or cost issue, and in general, it takes about 6 months to a year to wear 1mm. Therefore, we provide action comments for each failed or attention required items not just based on the general standards but on your driving condition and your situation targeting to minimize your repair costs. And every inspection result shows on a sheet of paper.